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''); // Make sure we have a src, and it not already rendered if (!$src || !empty($this->renderedSrc[$src])) { return ''; } $lnEnd = $this->_doc->_getLineEnd(); $tab = $this->_doc->_getTab(); $mediaVersion = $this->_doc->getMediaVersion(); // Get the attributes and other options if ($asset) { $attribs = $asset->getAttributes(); $version = $asset->getVersion(); $conditional = $asset->getOption('conditional'); // Add an asset info for debugging if (JDEBUG) { $attribs['data-asset-name'] = $asset->getName(); if ($asset->getDependencies()) { $attribs['data-asset-dependencies'] = implode(',', $asset->getDependencies()); } if ($asset->getOption('deprecated')) { @trigger_error( sprintf('Web Asset style [%s] is deprecated. %s', $asset->getName(), $asset->getOption('deprecatedMsg', '')), E_USER_DEPRECATED ); } } } else { $attribs = $item; $version = isset($attribs['options']['version']) ? $attribs['options']['version'] : ''; $conditional = !empty($attribs['options']['conditional']) ? $attribs['options']['conditional'] : null; } // Add "nonce" attribute if exist if ($this->_doc->cspNonce && !is_null($this->_doc->cspNonce)) { $attribs['nonce'] = $this->_doc->cspNonce; } // To prevent double rendering $this->renderedSrc[$src] = true; // Check if script uses media version. if ($version && strpos($src, '?') === false && ($mediaVersion || $version !== 'auto')) { $src .= '?' . ($version === 'auto' ? $mediaVersion : $version); } $buffer .= $tab; // This is for IE conditional statements support. if (!\is_null($conditional)) { $buffer .= ''; } $buffer .= $lnEnd; return $buffer; } /** * Renders the inline element * * @param WebAssetItemInterface|array $item The element * * @return string The resulting string * * @since 4.0.0 */ private function renderInlineElement($item): string { $buffer = ''; $lnEnd = $this->_doc->_getLineEnd(); $tab = $this->_doc->_getTab(); if ($item instanceof WebAssetItemInterface) { $attribs = $item->getAttributes(); $content = $item->getOption('content'); } else { $attribs = $item; $content = $item['content'] ?? ''; unset($attribs['content']); } // Do not produce empty elements if (!$content) { return ''; } // Add "nonce" attribute if exist if ($this->_doc->cspNonce && !is_null($this->_doc->cspNonce)) { $attribs['nonce'] = $this->_doc->cspNonce; } $buffer .= $tab . 'renderAttributes($attribs); $buffer .= '>'; // This is for full XHTML support. if ($this->_doc->_mime !== 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '/*_doc->_mime !== 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '/*]]>*/' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= '' . $lnEnd; return $buffer; } /** * Renders the element attributes * * @param array $attributes The element attributes * * @return string The attributes string * * @since 4.0.0 */ private function renderAttributes(array $attributes): string { $buffer = ''; $defaultCssMimes = ['text/css']; foreach ($attributes as $attrib => $value) { // Don't add the 'options' attribute. This attribute is for internal use (version, conditional, etc). if ($attrib === 'options' || $attrib === 'href') { continue; } // Don't add type attribute if document is HTML5 and it's a default mime type. 'mime' is for B/C. if (\in_array($attrib, ['type', 'mime']) && $this->_doc->isHtml5() && \in_array($value, $defaultCssMimes)) { continue; } // Skip the attribute if value is bool:false. if ($value === false) { continue; } // NoValue attribute, if it have bool:true $isNoValueAttrib = $value === true; // Don't add type attribute if document is HTML5 and it's a default mime type. 'mime' is for B/C. if ($attrib === 'mime') { $attrib = 'type'; } elseif ($isNoValueAttrib) { // NoValue attribute in non HTML5 should contain a value, set it equal to attribute name. $value = $attrib; } // Add attribute to script tag output. $buffer .= ' ' . htmlspecialchars($attrib, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); if (!($this->_doc->isHtml5() && $isNoValueAttrib)) { // Json encode value if it's an array. $value = !is_scalar($value) ? json_encode($value) : $value; $buffer .= '="' . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"'; } } return $buffer; } } An Error Occurred: Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

Sorry, there was a problem we could not recover from.

The server returned a "500 - Whoops, looks like something went wrong."

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